Button Groups In Material UI V5

Hey there! Welcome to my article all about button groups in Material UI V5. In this article, I’ll be giving you an in-depth insight into button groups, how they are used in UI designing, and how you can create them in Material UI V5.


Before we dive into button groups, let’s start with some basics.

Material UI is a popular React UI component library used for designing responsive and beautiful user interfaces. It provides a wide range of prebuilt components such as buttons, forms, icons, and much more, that can be easily customized to fit any design. With Material UI, you can quickly build complex interfaces that meet your design specifications.


Now, let’s talk about the importance of button groups in UI designing.

Button groups are an essential component of UI designing. They are used to gather a set of buttons together and render them as a group. Button groups offer a convenient and efficient way to showcase related actions or options in a single location. They also help reduce clutter and save space on the UI.

Are you curious to know how button groups are used in Material UI V5? Keep reading!

In Material UI V5, there are different types of button groups that you can use to design your UI. The common types of button groups are:

  • Contained button group: A set of buttons grouped together with a solid background color.
  • Outlined button group: A set of buttons grouped together with an outlined border.
  • Text button group: A set of buttons grouped together with plain text.
  • Grouped-button-less toggle button group: A set of toggle buttons without a grouping button.
  • Split button group: A button group with a primary action, as well as a set of secondary actions that are hidden behind a dropdown menu.

Button groups in Material UI V5 are so versatile that they can be used for a range of purposes. Some of the popular use cases for button groups are:

  • For action buttons: Grouping together action buttons that allow users to perform certain actions, such as “Save”, “Edit”, and “Delete”.
  • For filtering options: Grouping together filter options to allow users to easily toggle back and forth between different options.
  • For sorting options: Grouping together sorting options to allow users to sort data based on specific criteria.
  • For categorization: Grouping together different items that are categorized under the same group.

Now that you understand the importance and use cases of button groups in Material UI V5, let’s dive into creating button groups in Material UI V5.

To create a button group in Material UI V5, follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Installing Material UI V5

Before you can start using button groups in Material UI V5, you must first install Material UI V5. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install @mui/material

Step 2: Importing button group components

Once you have installed the Material UI V5 library, you need to import the button group components. Here’s how:

import ButtonGroup from '@mui/material/ButtonGroup';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';

Step 3: Creating a basic button group

After you have imported the button group components, you can now create a basic button group. Here’s an example:

  <Button>Button 1</Button>
  <Button>Button 2</Button>
  <Button>Button 3</Button>

Step 4: Customizing button group

You can also customize your button group to meet specific design requirements. Here are some customizations you can make:

Step 5: Adding color

You can add a background color to your button group using the color prop. Here’s an example:

<ButtonGroup color="primary">
  <Button>Button 1</Button>
  <Button>Button 2</Button>
  <Button>Button 3</Button>

Step 6: Adding icons

To add icons to your button group, you can use the startIcon and endIcon props. Here’s an example:

<ButtonGroup color="primary" aria-label="outlined primary button group">
  <Button startIcon={<SaveIcon />}>Save</Button>
  <Button startIcon={<DeleteIcon />}>Delete</Button>
  <Button startIcon={<EditIcon />}>Edit</Button>

Step 7: Adding labels

To add labels to each button, you can use the aria-label prop. Here’s an example:

<ButtonGroup color="primary" aria-label="outlined primary button group">
  <Button aria-label="save"><SaveIcon /></Button>
  <Button aria-label="delete"><DeleteIcon /></Button>
  <Button aria-label="edit"><EditIcon /></Button>

Creating button groups in Material UI V5 is that simple!

Now, let’s talk about best practices for using button groups in Material UI.

When it comes to UI design patterns, it’s essential to use them correctly. Here are some best practices to ensure that you’re using button groups effectively.

Understanding user interface design patterns

Before using button groups in your UI design, it’s crucial to understand the purpose and benefits of using a button group. You should also consider the different types of button groups available and select the right one based on the UI design.

Reducing UI clutter with button groups

The main benefit of using button groups is to reduce clutter on your UI. Instead of having multiple buttons laid out randomly on the screen, you can group them together in a button group.

Keeping consistency in UI with button groups

When using button groups in your UI, it’s essential to keep consistency across the UI. The button styling should be consistent throughout the UI to avoid any confusion.

Accessibility considerations

It’s also crucial to consider accessibility when designing your UI with button groups. Ensure that every button has a corresponding label that is read by screen readers. You should also use appropriate aria-labels to ensure that users with accessibility concerns can easily navigate the button group.

Responsive design considerations

Finally, it’s essential to consider responsive design when designing your UI with button groups. Ensure that your button groups are fully responsive and scale proportionally on different screen sizes.

In conclusion, button groups are an essential component of UI design, and

creating them in Material UI V5 is easy and customizable. By following best practices, you can effectively use them to reduce clutter, increase consistency, and improve accessibility in your UI design.

I hope this article has been enlightening and has given you a good understanding of button groups in Material UI V5. Now, it’s time to explore and experiment with button groups to see how they can enhance your UI designs. Happy coding!

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